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Hi! My name's Morgan. I'm a TA at a cybersecurity boot camp with a special interest in Appsec and Offensive Security. I'm currently taking Dr. Angela Yu's 100 Days of Python course!
June 1-4th: Working with the Turtle module to make some pretty cool stuff. · For the past few days I've been working through a few quick projects using...
It's about time I start adding more context and step by step commentary to my blogs so that I can hopefully help other people get through my code as...
May 31st, 2022 · I started working on a trivia game over the weekend and finished it today! I made different classes which was easy. The hard part for me...
May 26-27th · Finally finished my first coffee machine program. Made lots of new functions today. It's kind of hard to remember where to put the...
Put on my big girl pants and did some work with dictionaries yesterday and today. Made an auction program. This one took a minute. It's mostly the...
While loops today. Reeborg and I were getting along JUST fine until that ending maze. That one gave me problems! But it was figured out in the end so...